Truths Unleashed

My journey... discovering myself, with my Master.. and trying to find if this lifestyle it the right thing for me.

Monday, May 15, 2006

day 12

Today was such a great day!!!

First of all my clit has been enjoying being teased and it has been wet and soaked...

Then I cooked some amazing lunch.. mexican food... it was yummy stuff

And then.... the best part...

We went to look at dogs... and I got to play with this realllllllllly cuteeeeee one!!!

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That's him!!!!!

It was so cool... I was scared at first...but he was so soft. And he was licking my hands and legs!!

So now I have to get info and think about it...
I know what I am doing... I understand how serious this is../

And I am confident I can do it...

hehe Im happy!!!